Wednesday, September 20, 2006
9:00 AM
Conference Registration & Continental Breakfast Sponsored by HP
9:30 AM
Welcome & Introduction
Speaker: Charlie Pesko, Managing Director, InfoTrends
9:45 AM
InfoTrends State of the Market, Forecast and Overview Since the last Office Document Solutions conference in 2005, the market has seen some interesting trends that could affect future growth. An increased focus on open platforms, workgroup document management systems (partly due to SharePoint awareness), and how information is handled (due to natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina) has changed office document solutions from a group of interesting applications to a market that OEMs, software developers, and resellers see as a critical driver of competitive advantages.
This session will examine today’s office document solutions market, emerging trends, growth opportunities, and requirements for change. Attendees will learn about players that are leading this wave of innovation, how industry pioneers have achieved success, and why this market is expected to fuel office productivity, technology spending, and revenues.
Speaker: Jon Reardon, Director, InfoTrends
10:15 AM
How Can OEMs Best Nurture 3rd Party Application Development on the MFP? Over the past year, the office document solutions market has seen a number of OEMs aggressively market open architectures as a way of bringing real application innovation to the MFP. By offering ISVs published APIs and SDKs and creating programs to assist developers, OEMs have invited the developers to apply their specific application-oriented expertise and utilize the MFP as the platform it has been envisioned it would become. While moving to this model is good for all involved, it also brings with it a number of challenges. What do the developer’s need to be truly successful in answering the end-user’s document-related needs? How can the OEM best balance developer freedom with the necessary guidance to ensure the most optimal solutions are developed? How can an OEM market the value of the open platform down to the end-user? This session will explore what is being done today in the realm of open architectures and embedded applications and what needs to be done to make them as robust as they can be.
Speaker: Wayne Mize, Vice President, Netsourcing Business Center, Ricoh Corporation
10:45 AM
Refreshment Break
11:15 AM
Session 1: End-to-End Functionality: Addressing the Document Lifecycle
The document lifecycle requires a number of applications to fully handle processes like document capture, routing, workflow, output management, and device management. A number of specialized providers reside in each application category. Since software developers have been developing niche applications that address their area of expertise and handle single pieces of the document lifecycle, end-users must integrate a number of what would have traditionally been unconnected applications to optimize processes throughout the document lifecycle. This session will discuss how providers are integrating these solutions and marketing them with an end-to-end focus.
11:15 AM
Session 2: Crossing the Solutions Chasm: Today’s Successful Dealer
Last year, InfoTrends presented research that examined the solutions that were being sold through the dealer channel and what vendors could do to better help push document solutions. This year, we will hear from a distinguished panel of dealer principals who have found success with solutions. They will discuss how they forged and maintained strong partnerships with ISVs and OEMs to transform their businesses from “hardware-centric” to “solutions provider–centric.”
12:15 PM
Lunch & Exhibit Browsing Sponsored by Océ Business Services
1:30 PM
Session 3: Knowledge Workers and Healthcare Market Documents
The healthcare vertical is a document-intensive market with a number of issues that can be addressed through office document solutions. Healthcare organizations must meet industry regulations placed upon them by The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). While compliance was mandated in 2003, some organizations are still struggling to become fully compliant while others are working to remain efficient while staying compliant. Organizations are also facing other industry-specific concerns, such as an aging population, surging healthcare costs, and increased consolidation. This session will call on the end-user to explore how these issues and needs can be addressed through office document solutions.
1:30 PM
Session 4: Creating and Fostering Relationships: Partnering in the Solutions Market Implementing a solid partner strategy has always been of interest to OEMs, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), and dealers within the document solutions market. With the current focus on open systems, SDKs, and embedded architectures, developing good partnerships has become integral as OEMs have begun to understand that ISVs and capable dealerships can add a strong level of expertise within specific application categories to build core competencies in solutions. This session will include presentations and discussions about partnering all sides of the equation to better understand what is important when selecting a partner and which vertical categories have the best chances for revenue-generating relationships.
2:30 PM
Session 5: Document Professional Services: Defining a Successful Strategy In today’s business environment, companies that make high-tech products and the channel partners who sell them are under immense pressure to provide “high touch” services that facilitate the success of customers. Traditional office equipment firms are now actively engaged in developing professional services that reach beyond the traditional “break/fix” side of their service and support operations. During this session, you will hear from industry-leading experts whose companies have established profitable professional services operations. You will learn why these companies offer professional services and how those services are offered.
2:30 PM
Session 6: Vertical Market Intelligence: New Sales Training Strategies
It’s no secret that selling solutions is vastly different from selling equipment. While technical knowledge is important, the sales rep must also understand the client’s business and how document solutions can add value. Each vertical market has a predictable set of business problems. When sales reps understand the business problems in a vertical market, they can uncover closable solutions opportunities. This session presents practical strategies to train an equipment-focused sales force to sell document solutions into vertical markets. It outlines key issues that a sales rep needs to understand, a possible sales process to shorten the sales cycle, and the interaction of a sales rep and a solutions specialist through the sales process.
3:30 PM
Refreshment Break & Exhibit Browsing
4:00 PM
Session 7: Going Mainstream with Records Management
Compliance has helped to raise the visibility of records management in the industry, making it a focus for a growing number of organizations. Maintaining customer- and employment-related documents for the length of time required by law or policy is necessary for companies to receive a “good housekeeping” seal of approval from executive management. This session explores the components of a records management solution, including services, document capture, records management, and off-site storage.
4:00 PM
Session 8: Breaking with Tradition: Professional Development during Market Transition
The impact of change on corporate universities has been enormous with the adoption of solutions as a core business offering by OEMs. Success in solutions requires a shift from traditional product-platform sales to a consultative approach, as well as a shift from a predominantly sales and service operation to one that includes industry and solutions consultants, project managers, and sales and systems integrators. The combination of these two shifts creates the underpinnings of an “industry-and-solutions business model.” In this session, industry experts will help you gauge where the industry is today and how the OEM community will meet the needs of clients/customers moving forward.
5:00 PM
Featured Presentation: Creating Secure Document Workflows from Paper and Electronic Content using PDF
Workflows that connect people and business processes quickly and more securely are becoming a critical component of how well a business or government agency can deliver services to its customers and constituents. Document scanners and Multi-Function Peripherals (MFP) are increasingly being deployed to help manage and streamline sophisticated, mission-critical workflows. In this session we will learn about document services that make it easier for information workers to integrate paper processes into more secure document workflows originating from document scanners and MFPs. Join Adobe VP Dan Baum as he discusses the company’s strategies for meeting the challenge of providing secure scan and print services for office appliances.
Speaker: Dan Baum, VP New Business Initiatives, Adobe Systems, Incorporated
5:45 PM
Networking Reception Sponsored by Print Audit
Thursday, October 21, 2006
8:00 AM
Continental Breakfast Sponsored by
8:30 AM
Keynote: XPS Revealed: Future Directions in Document Workflow
Office document management solutions must be more responsive to regulatory requirements, enable long-term storage of critical business information, and improve deployment and effectiveness of enterprise document solutions. This year, Windows Vista will introduce a new document platform designed to meet the increased demands of the document market. A core component of Microsoft’s document platform is the XML Paper Specification (XPS) Document format. With support for XPS in the powerhouse products of the modern enterprise, Microsoft enables an integrated approach to enterprise content management as well as a platform for partner innovation.
Speaker: Andy Simonds, Group Program Manager, Digital Documents Platform and Solutions,
9:30 AM
Session 9: When You Think Compliance, Think Enablement and Security To effectively meet compliance requirements, companies must focus on process and measures. Compliance is not the job of a handful of individuals, or even departments, but rather a large number of employees that are involved with transactions and communications. To make it a normal part business, the responsibility must be placed directly into the hands of those who create, review, and approve information. Compliance solutions must enable users to participate, while ensuring that information is properly maintained, managed, accessed, and deleted only by those with proper authorization. Maintaining an audit trail may be as important as the content itself.
9:30 AM
Session 10: Marketing the Intangible: Mainstreaming Solutions & Services
Many resellers enjoyed some early successes in the document solutions business by selling software to a short list of innovative clients who were willing to take risks. After that initial burst of installations, many resellers experienced a slowdown in business because mainstream clients are reluctant to trust the dealership to install software. In his book entitled Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey Moore identifies this predictable trend. The more tech-savvy and innovative end-users have seen the value of solutions and have been implementing them within their organizations. The task at hand now is to establish a position of credibility in the mainstream market to reach a broader community of end-users. In this session, attendees will learn how to leverage marketing to bring solutions into the mainstream market to “cross the chasm” and capture the largest base of customers.
10:30 AM
Refreshment Break & Exhibit Browsing
11:00 AM
Session 11: Knowledge Workers and Financial Services Documents
The financial services market has been identified as a hot vertical for network document solutions. This market relies heavily on paper and is facing pressures to meet regulatory standards. Additionally, the financial services sector faces industry-specific concerns such as integration among traditionally separate units such as banking, finance, investment, and insurance. This session will draw on InfoTrends’ research to gauge how financial services organizations are improving their processes while addressing document-related industry challenges.
11:00 AM
Session 12: Why Scanners Could Become Lower-Cost Scan Appliances Competitive to MFPs The document scanner market has evolved rapidly over the past few years. This presentation will discuss trends that will continue to drive the market for scanning solutions, and the potential impacts that these trends will have on manufacturers and distributors. This session will discuss the increasing popularity of distributed scanning, the impact of MFPs, the importance of integration with software applications, and data from InfoTrends’ primary research.
12:00 PM
Lunch Sponsored by IKON Office Solutions
1:00 PM
Keynote: The Shift from Technology Provider to Business Partner – Leveraging both Technology and Services to Create Customer-Centric Solutions Innovative technology is the baseline in today’s digital economy. What more and more customers are seeking is expertise and advice on how to leverage technology to improve their specific business processes and drive efficiency across the enterprise. Join IKON Chairman and CEO Matt Espe as he discusses key industry trends and the critical role services and solutions play for adding value beyond the technology and building customer relationships. He’ll share his thoughts on customer requirements, the importance of a document management strategy, applying the right mix of leading technology and value-added services to solve business challenges, and the role of strategic partnering.
Speaker: Matt Espe, Chairman & CEO, IKON Office Solutions
1:30 PM
Solutions Conference Adjourns