Where Valuable Partnerships Begin
Despite these dramatic growth rates, the market is still in take-off mode, and is years away from reaching a mainstream, self-sustaining status. For the solutions market to realize its full potential, current and future industry players will need to innovate their ways into broader markets, increasing the market's growth velocity. The Office Document Solutions Conference taking place September 20-21, 2006 at the Boston Marriott Quincy in Quincy, MA, will examine today’s office document solutions market. InfoTrends’ analysts will discuss emerging market trends, new growth opportunities, and requirements for change. Attendees will hear from key industry players that are leading this wave of innovation, how these pioneers have achieved success, and why this market is expected to fuel office productivity, technology spending, and revenues. Sessions will include:
With Keynote Presentations By:
Come hear how your business can succeed in this emerging market. Sign up for the Office Document Solutions Conference today! Register online by July 31st and receive our Early Bird Discounts. Register online or call Susan Hickey at ext. 114 for more details.