Wednesday, 26 October 2005
Conference Registration, Continental Breakfast and Exhibit Browsing
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Speaker: Catherine Charlery, Group Director, Europe, InfoTrends/CAP Ventures
InfoTrends' State-of-the-Market Address This worldwide overview examines where we are and what to expect in 2006 as digital photography, photo printing, and mobile imaging evolve in Europe. It will provide a snapshot of the market size, opportunities, and threats in photo capture, photo sharing, printing, storage, and more. Comparisons will be drawn between Europe and the US as we consider issues such as how much people will print or if consumers will invest in photo archiving. Particular attention will be paid to what these market changes mean for vendors.
Speaker: Kristy Holch, Associate Consultant, InfoTrends
Keynote Panel Discussion – Redefining Photography in the New Digital Age During 2005, the Western European digital photography will be catapulted into the mainstream market as a mass of consumers will buy their first digital capture devices. A vast array of feature-loaded digital cameras and digital camera-like camera phones willcompete for consumers’ attention. Meanwhile, the options for storing, sharing, displaying, and printing images continue to multiply as technology leaders find new ways to improve the end-to-end user experience. This session focuses on the rapid adoption of digital photography and future growth opportunities for the industry. A panel of industry leaders will consider whether the industry is grasping the challenge of educating consumers or if consumers will be left confused and incapable of action by the array of choices they are faced with. The discussion will reflect on how ease-of-use can be marketed as a competitive advantage.
Speakers: Ben Szczerba, General Manager, European Strategic Planning, Canon Consumer Imaging Europe
Phil Darnell, Vice President and General Manager, EMEA Marketing, HP
Phillipe Kalmbach, Director, Marketing Services for Digital & Film Imaging Systems (DFIS) EAMER, Kodak
Juha Putkiranta, Senior Vice President, Imaging Business Unit, Multimedia Business Group, Nokia
Ramon Olle, Chairman & CEO, Epson Europe
Refreshment Break and Exhibit Browsing
Western European Digital Camera Forecast and Key End User Findings This session explores the western European digital camera market, examining factors that are fuelling growth. As household penetration nears 40% in 2005, the Western European digital camera market will transition from an early adopter market to a mainstream market. Using market forecasts and end-user research, InfoTrends will address usage patterns of digital cameras and camera phones and consider the likely impact of each device on the marketplace. We will cover:
Unit and revenue forecasts
Household penetration rates
Key demographic data of users
Purchasing criteria
Feature preferences
Digital photo activities
Speaker: Mette Eriksen, Senior Consultant, Digital Photography Trends Europe, InfoTrends
The Dynamics of The Maturing Digital Camera Market - How To Navigate Through the Next Phase
The Western European Digital Camera Market is forecasted to peak in 2007, but some European countries will peak in 2006. At the same time, camera phones are becoming a real alternative to some digital cameras. Leading players in the digital camera market will discuss how to best address the key challenges. Topics that will be examined include:
Future user trends
The megapixel war
New feature preferences
Appealing to mature and developing markets
New functions (i.e. wireless)
Moving upstream – targeting the prosumer
Speakers: Luc Marin, Vice President Photography, DxO Labs
Sandy Duncan, Vice President, Managing Director Europe, Middle East and Africa, Lexar
Robert Yockey, Digital Camera Product Manager, EMEA, HP
Lunch and Interactive Roundtable Discussions
Camera Phones – European Market Outlook and End User Trends
While the digital camera market is forecasted to peak in 2007, the camera phone market is showing no signs of slowing down. InfoTrends will highlight findings from recent mobile imaging studies and look at the future direction of this evolving segment. This session will cover:
Handset features
Resolution trends
Image quality/ease-of-use issues
Changes in consumer behaviour and preferences over time
Photo sharing
Effects on various segments of the camera market
Speaker: Catherine Charlery, European Group Director, InfoTrends
Camera Phones: What is Their Impact on Digital Cameras and Photo Printing? The projected growth of camera phones is staggering, but are these jack-of-all-trades devices having an impact on digital cameras and photo printing? What can the industry do to take advantage of this amazing opportunity? This discussion includes a technology and photo sharing roadmap for camera phones.
Will camera phones replace digital cameras for mainstream users?
Are people using camera phones for picture taking, and if not, will this change?
Are we seeing evidence of revenue streams from camera phones that are not available from digital cameras?
Speakers: Markku Taulamo, CEO, Futurice Oy
Stuart Skingley, Director, Imaging Solutions Multimedia, Nokia
Ramon Garrido, Chairman, MPIC & Program Director, Imaging and Printing, HP
Refreshment Break and Exhibit Browsing
Printing From Camera Phones – Where Are The €€€s?
Although camera phones cannot yet match digital cameras for image quality or ease of use, it is only a matter of time before camera phone images are good enough to print. Digital photofinishers stand to benefit from the increase in digital images captured. This session looks at the revenue opportunity, and considers important subjects such as:
Number of camera phone owners who are printing
How are these users printing (Bluetooth, IR, removable memory cards, via PC, via MMS)?
Future of camera phones printing
Speaker: Yuval Yashiv, CEO, Pixology
Standards – Do We Really Need Them?
Vendors are developing their own image standards. Is this helping or hindering the industry? Will consumers be left with archives of photos that will be inaccessible as storage devices are upgraded and file formats change? This session will consider:
Which standards will take hold
Which will remain separate
What will emerge as vendor driven de-facto standards that everyone will rally around
Kristy Holch, Group Director, InfoTrends
Lisa Walker, President, i3a
Ramon Garrido, Program Director, Imaging and Printing, HP, and Chairman, MPIC
Douglas Kinloch, Vice President, Business Development, Infinite Storage Data Limited, Member, OSTA
Photo Management and Archiving – Do Consumers Understand Recognize the Need for Comprehensive Solutions?
On average, Western European digital camera owners are capturing 41 photos and storing 30 of them per month. Therefore, it is not surprising that billions of photos are accumulating on a variety of devices including CDs, hard drives and DVDs. Consumers are seeking simple ways to efficiently organise their photos that will enable easy access at any point in the future. Additionally, they are looking for creative ways to enhance, share, and view their images. This session takes a look at how software providers are developing more sophisticated methods for photo management and archiving. It will focus on areas including:
Are vendors making it easy or hard?
Is this a real opportunity?
Will it be a big revenue generator?
What are the next steps?
Speakers: James Latham, Vice President, Marketing, ACD Systems
Gérard Métrailler, Product Manager, Corel
Brian Pridgeon, Product Marketing Manager, Branded Solutions, Seagate Technology
Cocktail Reception
Thursday, 27 October 2005
Continental Breakfast and Exhibit Browsing
The Size of the Western European Photo Printing Market – Where Will the Volume Be? Consumers photo printing behaviours continue to evolve and regional differences are emerging as the digital camera market is maturing. There are many forces behind consumers’ choices about whether they print their digital photos, and where they ultimately decide to print. Print providers are delivering lower prices, new products, and innovative offerings that address many consumers' concerns, but are they enough? In this session, InfoTrends discusses the size and the breakdown of the U.S. photo prints market and compares it to Western Europe. We will examine consumer photo printing behaviors and trends in the home, at retail, and through online photo services. Alternative solutions that might be more appealing than prints are also deliberated and discussed.
Speaker: Mette Eriksen, Senior Consultant, Digital Photography Trends Europe, InfoTrends
Where the Consumer Will Choose to Print – The Vendor's Perspective This session considers the various print locations and enabling technologies and debates how consumer printing habits are likely to shift in the coming years. Speakers will consider all of the latest market developments, including the growing popularity of snapshot photo printers, the rise of online-to-retail print solutions, the expansion of online photo services, and much more.
Speakers: Jaimi Sieber, EMEA Inkjet and Consumer Supplies Product Management, HP
Graham Hobson, CEO and Technical Director, Photobox Ltd.
Dr. Reiner Fageth, Managing Director, CeWe Color AG
Photo Printing: The Rise of the Snap Shot Photo Printer
Dedicated photo printers are becoming a popular device for printing photos at home. Although snapshot photo printers currently represent only a small part of the photo printing market, they also account for the fastest-growing segment. Mainstream consumers looking for easy solutions to printing are reaching for snapshot printers. The question is whether these attractive devices fulfil the needs for consumer photo printing or whether mainstream consumers will migrate out of the home to retail photo printing. This session will consider the future of the home photo printing market.
How will the printer market unfold
Technology developments
Non-branded vs. branded consumables – how will this affect snap shot photo printers?
Dye sublimation vs. inkjet – will one win and one lose?
Snap shot photo printers – are they the missing link in the PC-free digital photo solution?
Ed Lee, Director, InfoTrends/CAP Ventures
Speakers: Ben Szczerba, General Manager, European Strategic Planning, Consumer Imaging Europe, Canon
Tony Harris, Chief Technology Officer, Software Imaging
Jason Oney, Hardware Product Manager, EMEA, Lexmark
Refreshment Break and Exhibit Browsing
Retail Photo Printing – Pulling in The Analogue Customer Who Has Gone Digital
How much print business is retail seeing, and what trends are retailers seeing in their stores? This session examines recent changes in consumer behavior. We attempt to answer several questions in this session. For example, what can vendors do to drive print at retail, and what solutions should they be offering their retail customers? How successful has online to retail printing been? What is the overall prognosis for the next five years? This session gets to the heart of what is driving consumers to print at retail and what is needed to attract new users.
Speaker: Dr. Reiner Fageth, Managing Director, CeWe Color AG
Photo Kiosks – Moving Photo Printing to Where Consumers Are
Each of the more than a dozen vendors in the photo kiosk business represent wide ranging business models. In this session, you will hear from industry leaders on their views of the market and their plans for success. Each approaches the market from a slightly different angle and yet all are targeting the same customers – the digital camera and camera phone users. This session compares and contrasts strategies and will provide thought-provoking ideas for the future.
Speaker: Charles Henniker-Heaton, Marketing Manager, Europe, Fuji Hunt Photographic Chemicals NV
Lunch and Exhibit Browsing
Online Photo Service – A Platform for bigger € Services? This session looks at how online photo services are becoming much more than a place for printing 4 x 6 photos. Photo sharing, not printing, continues to be the primary driver for growth in the online photo services market. This session looks at how online vendors can monetize photo sharing and storage services, while continuing to grow their print businesses. In addition, there will be discussions on the viability of new business models like peer-to-peer photo sharing. This session also addresses how the valuable photo gifts market can provide new revenue opportunities for online photo services.
What are the trends in the European online photo services market?
Will it be possible for country-specific services to thrive as the market matures?
Can online photo services become the department store of the online photo world, offering everything for everyone?
How will online service fit into the printing mix
What will make consumers flock to OPS for safekeeping of photos?
What will the future hold? What are the challenges?
Speakers: Jakob Bovin, EMEA Photo Business Development Manager, HP Indigo Digital Press
Helen Vaid, Managing Director, Snapfish
Vladimir Malugin, Director of Business Development, EAMER, Eastman Kodak Company
Digital Photography In The Living Room – A Glimpse Of The Future
The digital home is becoming a reality and the next five years promise rapid proliferation of home networks and servers. This opens up more possibilities for digital imaging in the home. This session provides perspectives on the market from hardware, software and service vendors on this fast-changing market.
Speaker: Chad Richard, CEO, Simple Star
Closing Remarks
Speaker: Kristy Holch, Group Director, InfoTrends
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