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August 22-23, 2007
Hilton New York
New York, NY
Transaction documents don’t need to be boring any more…they can be filled with vibrant color, customized messages and integrated with multi-channel marketing communications. It’s time for marketing executives take another look at the statements you mail.
What new marketing opportunities might color, variable images and customized messaging bring
How could you leverage cross selling opportunities for new products and services with the one guaranteed piece of mail that your customers read… a statement?
What techniques are being used to integrate personalized URLs with transaction documents for multi-channel communications?
What marketing pieces that are now mailed separately could be printed and mailed along with the statement to save on postage?
How can you leverage transaction documents, custom imaging and messaging to improve the ROI on your marketing investment?
And more than that…think of the cost savings. This concept…called TRANSPROMO…is a unique opportunity for collaboration between marketing executives, service providers and IT professionals.
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