Be our guest for an exclusive breakfast briefing to be held during Photokina in Cologne, Germany on Wednesday, 24 September 2008.
Join the InfoTrends' team for a review of key market trends that are expected to shape both the current and future direction of the photo industry. Analysts from Europe and the US will explore topics as diverse as connectivity and its impact on the imaging market, repeat buyers and how they drive growth in a slowing Western European digital camera market, consumer awareness of photo merchandise and new opportunities in the Eastern European digital camera market. InfoTrends will leverage data from recent market forecasts and end user surveys including amongst others the Eastern European digital camera forecast and the European photo merchandise consumer survey to build a picture of the state of the market and of new opportunities.
Agenda 8.30 Registration & Breakfast 9.00 – 10.00 Presentations:
Kodak Introduction John O’Grady, Chairman and Managing Director of Kodak Europe, Middle East and Africa
InfoTrends Market Overview: A Connected World Ed Lee, Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
Repeat Buyers: Behaviours and Key Drivers Ed Lee, Director, Worldwide Consumer Imaging Services
Photo Merchandise in Europe: Highlights from InfoTrends' 2008 Multi-client Study Mette Eriksen, Director, Digital Photography Trends
An Eastern European Market Overview Mette Eriksen, Director, Digital Photography Trends
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