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Consumers in India Could be Swayed by Education on Value of Color

India’s marking supplies industry is currently growing at a rate of 20%. The demand in this country is heavily weighted toward black & white electrophotography, and this will remain the case throughout the forecast period. Color, although small initially, is expected to achieve a CAGR of 54% over the forecast period and should begin to rival black & white electrophotography a few years beyond our forecast horizon.

Color is widely viewed as valuable in India, but it is also perceived to be expensive. For the most part, color is strongly controlled in India and reserved only for those activities that require it. Running cost, not hardware cost, is seen as the greatest barrier to more widespread color adoption.

InfoTrends believes that vendors have a strong opportunity to help spur the transition to color in this region. Copier vendors, in particular, should focus on upgrading the existing monochrome A3-size equipment base to color devices by promoting attractive cost-per-copy programs. Of course, monochrome running costs remain important in India, and InfoTrends believes that vendors will achieve the greatest success by promoting universal color devices that offer attractive per-page color pricing with no premium to monochrome page pricing.

The preceding is an excerpt from InfoTrends’ Emerging Markets Multi-Client Study: India. To learn more about this report, contact Scott Phinney at ext. 123 or via e-mail at .


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