On average, variable data jobs account for 8% of the Black & White Print On Demand jobs in the print for pay market and 12% of jobs in the corporate sector CAP Ventures' Print On Demand Market Forecast estimates that over 240 billion 8.5 x 11 images were printed in the U.S. in 2001 on high-speed black & white devices (in excess of 80 ppm). This would indicate a black & white variable data print market in excess of 24 billion pages. Other variable data black & white printing opportunities exist in the Data Center/Transaction market, and many variable data pages are printed in full and spot color. A previous study conducted by CAP Ventures entitled 1:1 Communications indicated that 51% of print providers found variable data jobs to be more profitable than static data jobs. Only 14% found variable data to be less profitable. The preceding statistics were drawn from a variety of CAP Ventures Reports, including Black & White Print On Demand: Catching the Next Wave, 1:1 Communications, and The U.S. Print On Demand Market Forecast. For more information on these studies and the market forecast, please contact Alison Hipp at , ext. 126 or via e-mail at . |