John Blossom
Shore Communications Inc.
John Blossom's career spans more than twenty years of marketing, research, product management and development in advanced information and media venues, including major financial publishers and financial services companies (Citicorp, Quotron and for Reuters
Holdings PLC), as well as earlier experience in broadcast media and advertising. Blossom founded Shore Communications Inc. in 1997, specializing in research and advisory services and strategic marketing consulting for publishers and consumers of content services. Mr. Blossom’s engagements have included strategic marketing consulting for major corporations and startups that are using the Internet to position themselves in new and existing content markets.
Shore's research, news analysis and weblogs, including major contributions from Mr. Blossom, have been recognized widely as leading sources of authoritative insights into the content industry, receiving top industry awards including the EContent Magazine 100, the Software and Information Industry Association CoDIE award for Best Media Blog and a Top Ten Analyst recognition from Technobabble 2.0.
Blossom's extensive global experience with the marketing and management of financial information services, including real-time datafeeds, established him as one of the thought leaders in this important market segment, leading to strategic assignments with the executive management team of Reuters Group PLC. Mr. Blossom was also a key player in a number of ground-breaking Internet-oriented initiatives at Reuters, including the introduction of content management services and a global effort to integrate Internet-based information suppliers into the mainstream Reuters information services environment.