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InfoTrends Releases Results of In-Depth Study on the TransPromo Opportunity in Western Europe

(Weymouth, MA; Luton, U.K.) November 30, 2009 . . . InfoTrends’ latest research has revealed some intriguing country-to-country variations on the receptiveness of Western European consumers to TransPromo communications. While InfoTrends surveyed consumers in France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, consumers in France reported the greatest preference for TransPromo over other types of direct mail.  Respondents from Italy also expressed heightened interest in TransPromo communications due to the associated environmental benefits.

These findings were discovered through a major multi-client study on the TransPromo market in Western Europe entitled Trans Meets Promo: A European Perspective. This research included surveys of over 2,000 consumers and 700 direct marketers and transaction document owners, as well as qualitative interviews with leading print service providers in Western Europe. This research builds on InfoTrends’ 2008 North American study entitled Trans Meets Promo . . . Is It More than Market Hype?.

While this latest research has uncovered some interesting differences among the countries surveyed, one fact remains constant: TransPromo is a highly effective means of communication. Current research indicates that consumers in Western Europe spend an average of three to four minutes reviewing transaction documents, making them an optimal communications vehicle to facilitate additional customer messaging.

While the TransPromo market in Western Europe is projected to sustain healthy growth over the next few years, the results of this study indicate that increased market education could offer an additional boost. Barb Pellow, a Group Director at InfoTrends, commented, “There is a gap between what technology can deliver and understanding in the marketing community. Equipment vendors must educate the market on the availability of high-speed, affordable digital color solutions in the market to drive increased market penetration.” She continued, “Direct mail printers and service bureaus also need assistance in understanding how to communicate an effective value proposition and translate new technology into ROI for customers. Creating awareness around all of these issues would translate to increased profits for vendors and service providers alike.”

Trans Meets Promo: A European Perspective offers critical information for those involved with TransPromo at all levels of the market. This study:

  • Identifies the current state, future prospects, and market size for printed transpromotional documents
  • Reviews privacy regulations and data protection requirements
  • Assesses the changing requirements of consumers in each country
  • Examines how marketing executives are assessing marketing channels and evaluating success
  • Reveals how key IT and organizational initiatives are affecting document production and distribution technologies and services
  • Assesses market opportunities for high-speed print technology
  • Assesses market opportunities for software solutions

Western Europe represents a significant opportunity for companies that want to be a part of the TransPromo revolution.  Trans Meets Promo: A European Perspective offers the insight necessary to succeed in today’s competitive market.

This study is available for purchase today. For more information, please contact:

  In the United States:     In Europe:
  Jennifer Skerrett     Jennie Lewis
  +1 ext. 111     +


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