(Weymouth, MA) August 25, 2009 . . . The future of the digital SLR market looks bright, as steady growth is expected to occur through 2013. Important changes, however, are taking place within this market. While the consumer base has historically been largely male dominated, females are beginning to take on a more important role in this market. In fact, in a recent InfoTrends study, over half of DSLR non-owners who stated that they were planning to buy a DSLR in the next year were female. To take advantage of this shift, camera vendors will need to develop models that appeal to the needs and desires of women. The largest percentage of female DSLR owners classified themselves as beginners or intermediate in terms of their photography expertise. It is important to note that the requirements of these less experienced photographers, as well as the many first-time female DSLR owners, are different from those of the tech-savvy hobbyists that previously made up the vast majority of DSLR users. Ed Lee, Director of InfoTrends’ Consumer Imaging Services, stated, “The percentage of females in the DSLR consumer base is growing steadily, and ease-of-use, form factor, and low prices will be features that will appeal to this crowd. Vendors must take into account the needs and drivers of this market segment when strategizing around new products and marketing plans.” InfoTrends has just published a report entitled The Growing Role of Females in the Digital SLR Market that offers valuable insight into this up-and-coming consumer segment. This document examines ownership rates, demographics, and usage behaviors of female DSLR owners. The data for this report is excerpted from a multi-client study from InfoTrends entitled The Consumer Digital SLR Marketplace as well as multiple consumer digital camera end-user surveys. For more information on this or other InfoTrends reports, visit our online store or contact Robyn Wuori at +1 ext. 103 or e-mail . InfoTrends, a Questex company, is the leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting firm for the digital imaging and document solutions industry. We provide research, analysis, forecasts, and advice to help clients understand market trends, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to grow their businesses. Additional information about InfoTrends is available on the Web at www.infotrends.com. Copyright © 2009 InfoTrends. All rights reserved. Reproduction or reuse of InfoTrends materials is strictly prohibited without prior written consent. If you are interested in referencing InfoTrends content, please submit your request to . |