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InfoTrends Study Reveals Drivers of Camera Phone Activity

(Weymouth, MA) August 12, 2009 . . . A new study from InfoTrends has revealed that US consumers place a high value on having the ability to take photos with their mobile phones. In fact, over half of respondents cited a camera for taking photos as a vital feature on their mobile phone, second only to text messaging capabilities and ranking significantly above all other features included in the survey.

While it is clear that consumers value the camera on their mobile phone, this study also sought to determine what factors encourage consumers to use the camera on their phones. Our survey results suggest that consumers with higher resolution camera phones capture, edit, upload, and print more of their camera phone photos. This is in part because respondents with higher resolution camera phones are more likely to capture photos due to their increased image quality, and it is also likely that those with a greater interest in photography are more likely to deliberately purchase a camera phone with higher megapixels. Regardless, as time goes on and specifications continue to improve, the availability of higher quality camera phones will likely provide a much needed boost to the entire mobile photography industry.

In addition to those with higher resolution camera phones, younger consumers also appear to be more active camera phone photographers. Notably, when asked how many camera phone photos they take every three months, respondents under age 18 reported taking nearly twice as many as total respondents. Significant differences also emerged when the responses to this question were segmented by other demographics.

Carrie Sylvester, a Senior Research Analyst at InfoTrends, commented, “As camera phone functionality continues to improve, consumers will likely increase the use of their phone’s embedded camera. Those that are able to effectively target the most active, but distinctly different, market segments will achieve optimal positioning as market leaders.” Later this summer, we will publish a document entitled Spotlight on Teenagers and Young Adults: Mobile Photography. This document will delve much deeper into the very important demographic of respondents under the age of 25.

InfoTrends’ 2009 Mobile Photography End-User Survey is available for purchase. This report provides analysis on the ownership, usage, and applications for handsets with embedded cameras based on responses from 1,617 qualified participants. It also includes a comparison between traditional camera phones and smartphones. Where appropriate, the results from this year’s survey are compared with those from our 2008 study. For more information or to purchase this report, visit our online store or contact Robyn Wuori at +1 ext. 103 or e-mail .

InfoTrends, a Questex company, is the leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting firm for the digital imaging and document solutions industry. We provide research, analysis, forecasts, and advice to help clients understand market trends, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to grow their businesses. Additional information about InfoTrends is available on the Web at

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