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InfoTrends Launches Comprehensive Study on Multi-Channel Communications

(Weymouth, MA) March 25, 2008…InfoTrends has announced the undertaking of a comprehensive new multi-client study on multi-channel communications. The study, entitled Multi-channel Communications Measurement and Benchmarking, will provide a complete analysis of the needs of marketing executives and an understanding of the impact that multi-channel communications is having on the ability to track and measure campaign results today and in the future.

InfoTrends has been monitoring multi-channel communication solutions since their inception. For many print service providers, adopting this technology has proven a daunting task, and the market was initially slow to adopt. Over the last couple of years, however, the breadth of multi-channel communication solutions and services available has expanded significantly, and InfoTrends has seen a rise in market adoption.

“We believe it is time to perform an in-depth assessment of the changes that have taken place with measurement and benchmarking metrics derived from multi-channel marketing communications, as well as the benefits associated with those changes,” commented Laureen Chudzinski, Director at InfoTrends.

Project objectives include:

  • Establish the importance of campaign measurement metrics
  • Understand how key enterprise marketing initiatives are affecting user requirements for campaign management
  • Demonstrate how multi-channel communications impact measurement metrics
  • Look at best-of-breed case studies and outline best practices
  • Learn from the marketing professional about the need, requirements, and benefits of multi-channel marketing
  • Learn from PSPs/MSPs who have successfully implemented campaign measurement metrics
  • Highlight multi-channel communications solutions used for marketing measurement and benchmarking

The study findings will be based on a combination of desk and primary research. The primary research will consist of structured surveys with 100-150 marketing professionals as well as 300 marketing service providers (MSPs) and print service providers (PSPs). Additionally, InfoTrends analysts will conduct individual interviews with 8-10 marketing professionals as well as profiles of 8-10 MSPs and PSPs that are employing multi-channel communications today.

For more information on the study or to sign up as a participant, contact Jennifer Skerrett at +1 , ext. 111 or via e-mail at . Early subscriber discounts are available until April 30, 2008. Clients that sign up early can also provide input and review of the structured surveys.

InfoTrends is the leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting firm for the digital imaging and document solutions industries. We provide research, analysis, forecasts, and advice to help clients understand market trends, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to grow their businesses. Additional information about InfoTrends is available on the Web at


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