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Growth in the U.S. Printing & Publishing Market Stems from Select Segments

(Weymouth, MA) February 12, 2008… InfoTrends expects the U.S. Printing & Publishing market to increase at a rate slightly below that of the GDP, showing a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 2.02% between 2006 and 2011. Competition from other media, the transformation of the industry, and high competitiveness within this mature market will all contribute to the projected growth rate.

There are 10 industry segments that InfoTrends believes provide the greatest opportunities for Print-On-Demand products and services. These include commercial print-for-pay establishments (commercial printers, copy centers, digital printers, manifold business forms printers, and quick printers) and corporate cost-center operations (in-plant print shops, small in-plant copy/print sites, and data center print departments). Combined, these market segments represented $118.19 billion in services in 2006.

A further breakdown of the 10 segments reveals that while some areas were flat or declining, others grew at a more robust rate. Manifold business forms showed a decline of -3.13% year over year, while digital printing showed impressive growth of 7.51%.

InfoTrends’ new forecast, US Printing & Publishing Market Sizing: 2006-2011, provides an overview of the 2006 U.S. printing and publishing market, including the number of establishments and the value of shipments. It also provides a growth estimate for the value of shipments in the U.S. printing, publishing, and packaging market for 2006 through 2011.

The complete forecast is available immediately to clients of InfoTrends’ On Demand Printing & Publishing Consulting Service. For more information about the forecast or to make a purchase, visit our  online store or contact Robyn Wuori at +1 or .

InfoTrends, a Questex company, is the leading worldwide market research and strategic consulting firm for the digital imaging and document solutions industry. We provide research, analysis, forecasts, and advice to help clients understand market trends, identify opportunities, and develop strategies to grow their businesses. Additional information about InfoTrends is available on the Web at

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