(Weymouth, MA) September 19, 2007… InfoTrends and CIEC today announced the keynote speakers for its ON DEMAND China Conference & Exposition, the first-ever digital printing event in China, to be held 14-17 November 2007 at the China International Exhibition Centre in Beijing China. The keynote session will feature industry leaders from Fuji Xerox, HP, Kodak and Océ. This landmark session will discuss future market directions and growth opportunities for digital print in China. Keynote speakers will include:
“We have a remarkable lineup of keynote speakers for our inaugural event,” commented Charles Pesko, President of InfoTrends. “These executives represent the companies leading the digital printing revolution in China. Attendees will want to hear their perspectives and insight on the future of digital print.” ON DEMAND China is the first-ever event focused on print on demand technologies, including digital printing equipment, digital workflow, digital direct-to-plate, and wide format printing in the Chinese market. For an up-to-date conference program or to register as an attendee, please visit www.ondemandexpo.cn. About InfoTrends About CIEC Copyright © 2007 InfoTrends. All rights reserved. Reproduction or reuse of InfoTrends materials is strictly prohibited without prior written consent. If you are interested in referencing InfoTrends content, please submit your request to . PR Contact |