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CAP Ventures White Paper Defines and Sizes the Quick Print Market

(Weymouth, MA) December 3, 2003… In a new white paper by CAP Ventures analysts identify the key components of the quick print market in the United States and provide estimates on the number of sites and the revenue associated with those sites. These results are available immediately in the document entitled Defining and Sizing the Quick Print Market in the United States.

CAP Ventures' research indicates that the quick print market in the United States currently represents more than 22,000 sites and nearly $12 billion in revenue. The market is made up of several types of quick printers, including franchises, chains, superstores, mail services, and independents.

Based on its estimates, CAP Ventures believes that franchises and chain quick printers account for approximately $3.6 billion in revenue, office superstores and mail services account for another $1.7 billion, and independent quick printers account for approximately $6.6 billion.

“Sizing the quick print market is a difficult task because there is no clear agreed-upon definition for the segment,” commented Jim Hamilton, an Associate Director at CAP Ventures. “This white paper provides a definition of the quick print market and uses that definition in conjunction with data gathered by CAP Ventures analysts to size the market in the United States.”

The white paper was created by CAP Ventures' North American On Demand Printing & Publishing Consulting Service and is available for immediate purchase. For more information on the report or to make a purchase, please contact Alison Hipp at , ext. 126 or via e-mail at  .


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