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61% of U.S. Internet Households Now Own Scanning Devices, According to Report by InfoTrends Research Group

(Weymouth, MA) June, 03 2003... Scanning devices continue to be a popular consumer peripheral, according to a recent survey of nearly 6,500 U.S. Internet households conducted by InfoTrends Research Group. The study found that 61% of U.S. Internet households own a scanning device, whether it be a flatbed, all-in-one, film or other type of scanner. 49% of Internet households own a flatbed scanner, and 18% own an all-in-one (AIO) device.

“Scanning is still a popular activity among U.S. Internet households,” says Kerry Flatley, senior research analyst at InfoTrends Research Group. “While the penetration of flatbed scanners has not increased over 2002, the penetration of AIOs is rising quickly. In 2003, 30% of U.S. Internet scanning device households said they own an AIO, up from 21% in 2001. Consumers are eager to purchase AIOs because given their functionality, AIOs are relatively inexpensive and space-saving.”

This year, InfoTrends asked this growing AIO user group many questions to better understand this segment of the scanning market. AIO users were asked if they originally planned to purchase a printer or standalone scanner instead of an AIO, if their AIO has a flatbed scanner and their general satisfaction with AIOs. InfoTrends found that 12% of scanning device owners have both an AIO and a flatbed scanner. “While some scanning device owners still have both a flatbed scanner and an AIO, data from the survey suggests that this trend will not last and most of these owners will make AIOs their primary scanner,” says Ms. Flatley.

The report also includes its annual analysis of scanner owner demographics, scanner owners who plan to purchase a new scanner in the next year, and their purchase requirements, such as the amount they expect to pay and their feature preferences. The report has similar information on non-users’ intentions to purchase a scanning device.

The new report entitled 2003 Mass Market Scanner End User Survey is available immediately and features information on the following brands of scanners, AIOs and printers: BenQ, Brother, Canon, Compaq, Epson, HP, Lexmark, Microtek, Ulead, and Visioneer. InfoTrends also provides other end user studies, including the 2003 Digital Camera End User Survey and the 2003 Online Photo Service End User Survey. These reports and others are available for purchase.


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