(Weymouth, MA) April, 30 2003... The year 2002 was a banner year for sales of document imaging scanners with 33% growth in North American shipments, according to the latest forecast report from InfoTrends Research Group. The momentum created last year is expected to continue, guiding the market toward greater adoption of document imaging and management solutions. Scanner penetration into corporate office environments is especially important to the growth of the document scanning industry and is expected to begin in earnest in the next few years. “The low end of the market developed tremendously in the past year as demand for distributed applications grew, and vendors raced to market with products to meet those needs,” said Susan Moyse, a Research Analyst at InfoTrends Research Group. “There is mounting evidence that businesses desire better solutions for managing paper-based documents, and vendors are striving to deliver.” InfoTrends new forecast report entitled “2003 Document Imaging Scanner Forecast and Analysis, North America” is available immediately. The report provides a comprehensive analysis for five market segments ranging from the 10 page-per-minute (ppm) workgroup segment to the 60-plus ppm high volume production segment. Each segment includes a five-year forecast for North America, vendor ranking, key trends, and strategies for success. Forecasts are further segmented by color, duplex, and connectivity type. |