(Weymouth, MA) June, 19 2001... Worldwide scanner revenues are projected to reach $3.1 billion in 2001, with North America and Western Europe each accounting for approximately 40% of the total. The scanner mass market has reached a point of maturity in both the North American and Western European markets, and revenue will begin to decline in 2002. Scanner revenues will reach $2.6 billion in revenues in 2006, and a total of 24.7 million units will be shipped. However, the Rest of the World will continue to grow in unit shipments at a rate of 4% annually. Through 2006, the scanner market will be both positively and negatively impacted by other digital imaging solutions, including digital cameras, film digitization services, and photo kiosks. "Although alternative digital imaging solutions pose a competitive threat to consumer imaging scanners in North America and Western Europe, they also help to drive the worldwide consumer digital imaging market by increasing awareness of digital imaging and its applications," said Janet Kauffman, research analyst at InfoTrendsResearch Group. "Scanners continue to be an important part of the digital imaging market, and according to our U.S. Scanner Penetration Study, 48% of those who have uploaded a photo to a photo service Web site used a scanner to create at least some of the images that they posted online." The worldwide market leader is HP, and in 2001 it is projected to lead both the North American and Western European markets. In addition, Visioneer and Umax are strong players in North America, while Canon and Agfa are top vendors in Europe. In North America, the penetration of scanners has reached nearly one-third of all U.S. PC households, making them the most established digital imaging solution today. Key trends include price stabilization, the usage of innovative design in the scanner casing, and the increasing popularity of brand-name scanner vendors. However, the North American scanner market is projected to decline at a rate of 1% annually through 2006, contributing to a competitive retail environment and further consolidation among scanner vendors. In Western Europe, 2001 scanner shipments will increase 4% over 2000, leading scanner shipments to total 9.6 million units. Throughout the forecast period, scanner shipments will remain flat. Shipments in each European country tend to follow overall technology trends. In 2001, Germany, the UK and France together will make up 59% of the entire European market. Three new forecast reports, the "2001 Mass Market Scanner Forecast - North America," the "2001 European Mass Market Scanner Forecast," and the "2001 Worldwide Mass Market Scanner Forecast," are available immediately. The North American and European reports contain five-year projections segmented by price, interface type, sensor type, bit depth, resolution, and operating system. The European report also segments the forecast by country, including Germany, UK, France, Italy, Benelux, Iberia, Nordic, and Rest of Europe, in addition to top-line forecast numbers for Eastern Europe. The reports also profile key players including HP, Visioneer, Umax, Canon, Microtek, Acer, and Epson. The Worldwide forecast is a compilation of the key highlights in the North American and European forecasts, providing an overview of the total worldwide scanner market. In addition, InfoTrends also has available immediately the "2001 Scanner Penetration Survey." This report examines the results of a comprehensive telephone survey of U.S. households, concerning scanner owners' and non-owners' ownership and access to a PC, Internet and scanners, as well as demographics, household technology, and usage of online photo service Web sites. |