(Weymouth, MA) June, 19 2000... In a survey of home Internet users, InfoTrends Research Group, Inc. found that scanner penetration is growing, especially among households with Internet access. Over one-third of Internet households have a scanner, while 53% of Internet households without a scanner indicated that they would definitely or probably purchase one within the next twelve months. Photo sharing through email or printing scanned images has become a key scanner application. "Scanner users are becoming increasingly photo-centric, and many are searching for ways to share their images with friends and family," said Janet Kauffman, research analyst at InfoTrends Research Group. "The explosion of commercial online photo sharing communities over the past year has helped consumers realize the variety of applications for which scanners are suited. Scanners have become an easy and inexpensive bridge from printed photos and documents to the digital realm." Scanner users tend to purchase many other products to use with the scanner, with the most popular being the printer. 88% of users indicated that they purchased a printer to use with their scanner, either at the time of the scanner purchase, or at a separate date. Other products that are commonly purchased for use with the scanner are PC systems, additional RAM, separate image edit software, and additional storage. This provides vendors with an ideal opportunity to capture some after-market revenue through partnerships and revenue-sharing plans. The new report "2000 Mass Market Scanner End User Survey," available immediately, contains detailed tabulations and analysis of over 400 scanner users' applications, usage, and preferred features. In addition, the "2000 Mass Market Scanner Non-User Survey," contains detailed tabulations and analysis of over 775 Internet users' knowledge of scanners, anticipated scanner usage and applications, and propensity for purchase. The reports, which include responses to over 50 questions, along with cross tabulations containing data specific to various user types and demographic groups, are designed to help scanner executives in their product and service decisions. |