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CAP Ventures Completes Multi-Client Study on E-commerce Strategies for the Hardcopy Supplies Marketplace

(Weymouth, MA) May 11, 2000…CAP Ventures announced today the completion of it’s latest multi-client study "Building an E-commerce Strategy for the Hard Copy Supplies Marketplace." The study has confirmed that corporate users are moving rapidly to Internet-based channels for procurement in general, and that hard copy supplies and other office supplies in specific have often led the way in this transition.

The Internet is here to stay. Use of the Internet by both vendors and large corporate users for hard copy supplies purchases had already achieved a share on an annualized basis of 7% of total purchases by the end of 1999, equating to a dollar value of about $2 billion. By the end of 2004, 52% of these purchases will flow through Internet channels representing a total dollar value of over $18 billion.

The market research includes profiles of numerous existing Web-based hard copy supplies vendors, interviews with 170 medium to large corporate customers, and interviews with 500 home-based users and small businesses. Through this extensive analysis, CAP Ventures provides a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities, issues and strategies for Internet-based sales of key supplies in this dynamic market.

The key players in this shift are and will continue to be many of the same companies that have already been important players in this market. The desk research and Internet research has demonstrated conclusively that to date, less than 1/10th of 1% of hard copy purchases are flowing through new suppliers that have used a pure-Internet strategy to reach out for new markets.

"There is a lot of hype and anecdotal information about e-commerce in the press today," commented Jeff Hayes, Director of Market Research Services. "This study provides focused, detailed primary research and analysis that executives need to make important decisions for their e-business strategy."

For more information on the multi-client study "Building an E-commerce Strategy for the Hard Copy Supplies Marketplace"   please contact Alison Hipp at x 126 or via email at .


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