(Weymouth, MA) February 9, 2000 – CAP Ventures today announced that the Dynamic Content 2000 Conference will be held May 22-25, 2000 at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco, California. Dynamic Content 2000 (formerly the Documation Conference) will focus on the applications and technologies unique to creating, managing and delivering dynamic content for business applications.
"Dynamic Content 2000 is a powerful educational platform in the industry which provides an excellent forum for learning about the technologies and practices used for building a solid content foundation to pursue e-business strategies," said Michael Maziarka, director at CAP Ventures.
This 4-day event has with over 20 sessions in five power-packed tracks to choose from. Dynamic Content 2000 will offer a wide selection of topics, including content management tools and technologies, dynamic content and personalization, the convergence of documents and data, using document technologies to leverage organizational knowledge, and the role of XML in publishing and e-commerce applications.
In addition, keynote presentations by industry visionaries will share their views on the importance of building a solid content foundation to pursue e-business strategies. They will set the stage for how the Web is dramatically changing the way in which we communicate, enabling us to make information instantly available in the form that is most applicable to the reader.
Conference Tracks
- The Shifting Content Focus: From Print to Electronic
This track will address issues ranging from conversion issues to authoring and electronic publishing tools to document and output management to the services necessary to implement such a system. Attendees will gain an appreciation for the types of tools and processes that will enable them to begin shifting their focus from print to the electronic world.
- Automating Multiple-Media Publishing
Organizations that need to publish documents in multiple-media, including print, Web, and CD need to automate and tune their publishing processes. This track will address system architectures, automated publishing tools, Web publishing and content management, multi-lingual publishing tools and services, personalization, and extranet sites being used to make information available to users in the presentation format best suited for their needs.
- Dynamic Content
The need to develop interactive and collaborative Web sites continues to evolve as organizations leverage the power of the Web to achieve new business goals. This track is designed for information professionals that need to use dynamic content technologies to give their users access to a range of information that might be located in databases, documents, email, content repositories, legacy systems, and external information sources.
- Knowledge Management
In the fast-paced Web economy, organizations are embarking on knowledge management initiatives to bring products to market faster, educate their employees more fully, and better understand the market and world around them. In this track attendees will gain an appreciation for knowledge management practices, architectures, and applications and how document and dynamic content technologies can be leveraged to achieve those objectives.
This track explores the use of XML as a content foundation in e-business strategies. Attendees will hear how XML can be used for content creation, Web publishing, Content syndication, portals, and business to business applications.
Pre-Conference Tutorials
Attend half-day tutorials that are intensive learning sessions given by expert consultants, analysts and integrators. These tutorials are a valuable educational experience for bringing newcomers up-to-speed quickly.