# Pages: 123
Publication Date: November 2006
Service: Communication Supplies Europe
Region: Europe
One of the fastest-growing and dynamic areas of the digital printing market is digital photo printing. Photo printing is already moving beyond the pure transfer of images from the PC to the printer, and it can now be done directly from the camera or from mobile phones. Users have a number of choices about what to do with the images that they capture on their cameras and mobile phones. Consumers that do not want to print their photos may store them electronically or share them on photo hosting sites for others to download. The way that photos are printed, as well as the location of where they are printed, is evolving.
This study will specifically consider what consumers are printing on their inkjet devices and what industry players can do to encourage more photo printing. Additional insight will be gained about the factors that drive users to print photos on their inkjet printers. This study will also assess consumers’ attitudes about alternative forms of outputting photos (such as online or retail photo printing).
Project Objectives
This study will answer many of the critical questions that are currently facing organizations from equipment and supplies perspectives.
What devices are being used to print out photos at home?
What proportion of home devices are dedicated photo printers vs. multi-purpose devices?
What printing technologies are consumers using at home – inkjet or dye sublimation?
Are they printing from the PC or printing directly from a digital camera or a camera phone?
What other sources are they printing from (i.e. mobile phones, memory cards, Internet,scanner, e-mail)?
What percentage of their photos do consumers print out at home, at retail, and online?
How popular are portable viewing devices?
Do consumers use photo sharing Web sites such as Kodak Gallery or Flickr?
What volumes are users printing out on their inkjet printers at home?
How much of this is photo output?
What sort of substrates are they using?
What sizes are they using?
How many photos do consumers print at one time?
For which applications are they most likely to print out their photos?
Which brands of photo papers do they primarily use?
Which brands of inkjet paper or ink do consumers primarily use?
Have they used a non-OEM inkjet cartridge? What are the reasons for their choice?
What affects ink brand selection (i.e. price, availability)?
Where do they buy their inkjet cartridges and photo paper?
What package sizes do consumers typically buy? What influences this decision?
What weight of substrate do users typically buy? What influences this decision?
Other Sources of Photo Printing
What other sources do consumers use to output their digital photos (i.e. online photos, retail,photo kiosks)? Which do they use most often? What share of their total photo output do these sources account for?
How has this share changed over the last year? How do consumers expect it to change over the next year?
What is the average order size when using the various sources?
What size of print do they typically opt for?
What is the reason for using an external source for digital photo output rather than home printing?
What do consumers view as the advantages and disadvantages of these methods overhome printing?
Project Deliverables
InfoTrends will conduct in-depth analysis of the secondary and primary research to develop a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and issues for inkjet equipment and supplies players. Clients will receive a combination of reports, presentation material, and research data for senior management personnel, product managers and planners, and sales and marketing executives. The material will include:
An Executive Summary that addresses key issues, findings, and overall recommendations
A detailed written report (at least 150 pages) with text, charts, and graphs addressing the objectives of the study
A set of presentation-style overheads for internal communication of the research results
A data book of the survey tabulations for additional analysis of key questions and market segments
A 2-hour teleconference presentation of the general findings and recommendations
Getting Started
For more information on the study, contact:
In the U.S. Scott Phinney at +1 , ext. 123 or via e-mail at .
In Europe
Jason Russell at + or via e-mail at .